
On the other hand...

Why start a blog? Well because I like to write, I like to think, I like to ponder, and I always have an opinion. I also enjoy dialogue. I'm curious. I genuinely want to discover more about the world. I want to believe that honest, open, friendly discussion can be beneficial. And Facebook or Twitter is not the place to do any of that. In a blog I can elaborate. In a blog I can take my time. I can think and not react quickly but ponder first, consider second, and finally conclude. On the other hand... I don't like to write. I just like to get my thoughts down on paper so I can remember them later. I'm also not that good at it. I'm overly passionate and reactionary. I often don't give myself time to truly think about a subject, research it, or consider it's value. And while I always have an opinion, I may never actually reach a conclusion that I'm comfortable with. Tevye, from "Fiddler on the Roof" whose frequent use of "on the other ha