On the other hand...

Why start a blog?
Well because I like to write, I like to think, I like to ponder, and I always have an opinion. I also enjoy dialogue. I'm curious. I genuinely want to discover more about the world. I want to believe that honest, open, friendly discussion can be beneficial.
And Facebook or Twitter is not the place to do any of that. In a blog I can elaborate. In a blog I can take my time. I can think and not react quickly but ponder first, consider second, and finally conclude.
On the other hand...
I don't like to write. I just like to get my thoughts down on paper so I can remember them later. I'm also not that good at it. I'm overly passionate and reactionary. I often don't give myself time to truly think about a subject, research it, or consider it's value. And while I always have an opinion, I may never actually reach a conclusion that I'm comfortable with.
Tevye, from "Fiddler on the Roof" whose frequent use of "on the other hand" in his ponderings inspired this blog.

So, as odd as it may sound, that's what I hope this blog can be. A contradiction. A backtrack. An insightful exploration. This blog has no premeditated objective other than to seek truth and understanding about all the topics I choose to cover. I believe that nuance, compromise, and wisdom are traits that are widely appreciated but seldom wielded. I hope that these traits will guide my writing and lead me to solid conclusions.
On the other hand...
This blog is not intended to provide perfect answers. This blog is not an opportunity for me to stand on a box and tell it how it is (or should be). This blog will certainly have conclusions, but the goal is not to resolve the chord but to keep the music playing. To remember that thoughtfulness takes one on a journey that bears good fruit, but does not always end as succinctly or as simply as one would like.
My Christian faith will inform my writing and I will do my best to lay that out plainly when I reference it.

I welcome comments that are constructive and polite. I welcome challenges that are based in fact and demonstrate thoughtfulness. And I welcome you to this endeavor.
